Part 1: Cupid's arrow

Hi, my name is Innocence ...
I met a guy,
His name is Temptation
His personality is scarred - intimidating to the shallow eyes, some say he's rough, others say he's bad
His ideals are different, he's wild, unquenched and corrupt for my morals 
But I see him... For all that he is
And he's a good man
I feel a little sad every time you go away...
Every time I have to say goodnight and let you go 
Because having you on my phone is the closest thing I have to having you in my arms
And I don't know...No - I'm not sure - sure I said enough
I'm sure I'll never say enough to you
Truth is I could dedicate books to you
Fill ten thousand pages just trying to describe you
Truth is ... 
I'll end up obsessed with you
And you won't be in love with me 
I'll hold you like a candle - close by, careful to not put off your light, adoringly gazing into your flames
But you won't see me,
You won't see the emotions and depth that I hold from within
Truth is... I'll give you the world and you'll break my heart in return


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