LIFTOFF IN 3,2,1...

Dear Gedion,

I think dad loves me because he jokes with me a lot...
He let's himself not be serious when he's around me
He let's me know " YOU GOT THIS!"
Don't be scared of it - I'm right here beside you little kiddo...
And I'll take care of you...
Dad's warm,
His chest has the biggest cave that I always want to explore...
"Why do I love you so much dear father?"
It's like you're a part of me...
Or better yet...
I'm part of you
Like "oouu! I know you're mine"
As much as I'm your son - You're just as much my father...
We're the same!
And you don't judge me - you don't ever say how better you are about it!
Yes I'm insane but you're stupid!
Dad I think you're stupid - and I think I'm also stupid
And I'm in GREAT love about how we're both stupid! I swear I love it
We're lovers of the earth - lovers of fun
Of course we don't wanna be serious about it...
Then again why is this man the mysterious entity of seduction
Like damn mom!!!
Fuckin had some good taste - I wish we could share!
But nope!
As always...
"Can't get what you want"
And there he is...
PERFECT - waving itself right in my eyes
And I fucking can't have it?
Like guess what?...
That was my dad!!!
I had the perfect human all to myself... 
He always held my hands
I could hold him as well...
And we will always
Hold each other

You'd have loved to meet my dad,
Dad I think you're PERFECTLY made
And you're the only one who knew how to say hi in every moment...
I enjoyed every single minute of it
Your smile felt like treasure - like HEAVEN
God knows I continue to miss it,
you always took me there
Mysterious loving whispers in the dark

I miss the lost memories...
Stolen by time ...
Stolen by focus...
Stolen by ...
My need to be selfish, to rebel...
In order to grow,
I need to be free

Always know,
I Love You!

I love my dad because he's the classic "I fell in love with my best friend" story

Dad the world, the immense universe 
Your eternally loving son,


  1. oh, this letter was absolutely beautiful! i loved every single line!!


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