The truth

And there I stood ...
On the podium,
Front and center of the stage,
Just as the platform was raised, so was everyone's head
In front of me a pool of eyes
Staring intently
And they asked ...
"Who's this man?"
"Who the fuck are you?"
And I know I could've said my name...
My father's name,
I could've said all the nice things my friends say I am;
The funny, silly guy who jokes a lot,
The intellect whose truth will leave you dumbfounded,
The gentle soul who mirrors home...

But instead I said the truth,

I'm a mess
Inside me I carry confusion, helplessness and a void of darkness
I cry more than I laugh
I spend most of my days inside my head trying to fix the broken
The parts of me that were shunned
Rendered not good enough
I carry a demon
A voice inside my head that gains momentum every time someone says to me
"You're SUPPOSED TO..."
My existence is rendered inadequate
I'll tell you exactly who I am tho...

I am the truth
The flaws that show as scars on my skin, the slight stutter in my speech
I am real
The fears I reveal are those that tear me from within
I am Midas
Everything I touch is blessed by my soul
I am immense
Always have and always will be a lot to handle
I'm not meant to be tamed
Behave or put on a demeanor that ever implies you can fuck with me
I am human
Spirit inside flesh
I am wise as much as I am carnal
I will be raw because I know God
A lover of sex and a lover of Christ
I am who the fuck I am - LOVE AND LIGHT.


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