I know you...
I know your name,
I know where you live,
I know how your voice sounds like,
I know that your favourite perfume smells like vanilla,
I know the gap on your front teeth exist,
I know that you're an extremely sexual human being...
That regardless the nature of the conversation - you'll always find a way of sneaking sex in

I know you...
I know the stretch marks on your back and the ones inside your thighs,
I know the scars on your skin and the stories behind each of them,
I know your touch - how familiar your hold feels like home
I know how you lie - the slight purse of your lips before you do so

I know you...
I know you because I've spent time with you -
Enough time to know what makes you cry...what makes you smile 
I know that your favourite number is 2
And because of that you have a hard time working with numbers that aren't even
I know you enough to know the basics of you...
That your favourite colour is Blue 
That nothing excites you better than food

I know you...
I know you because I see the parts of you that you don't show everyone else -
The vulnerable, the pains, the insecurities, the ugly, the noise and everything that doesn't fit the persona you project to the world
I know you're bad just as you're good -
No matter how hard you try to separate the two ...
I know you're human 

I know you...
I know you because I was with you - 
When you were locking yourself up and crying on the bathroom floor,
When they said all those mean things about you,
When you were shamed out in public
I know you because I've felt everything you've been through 
I don't have to imagine - I know exactly what you've been through 

I know you...
I know you're 21 but you're really 46
I know you're figuring out where you belong in this little but big world of ours 
I know you're trying to follow the roads you've been taught - 
But you still end up lost 
I know people are there ... But you're really alone in this

I know you...
I know it's going to take time
I know I'm going to be fine.


  1. this is too beautifulšŸ˜­, it is definitely going to be finešŸ¤Ž.


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