
Difference is, you had a person you called baby...
While you were actually my baby
Difference is, you couldn't call the second time because I didn't pick up the first time
While I actually called the second, third and tenth time just so you could pick up
Difference is, you said these sweet words,
These words that you knew made me feel nice,
While I meant everything, I meant everything I said, not just because they made you feel nice...
Because I wanted to make YOU feel nice
You deserved deserve nice!
Difference is, you had me, I was yours and no one else's
While I never had you, you were never mine, I didn't own you like that
Difference is, you could just walk out of my life , act like you don't care and go on living your life
While I'm stuck...
I still care, I still fucking stood around after you left, I keep looking back at what's left behind
Love on the floor
Difference is, silence comes so easy to you...
And I keep asking myself, how can you claim to have been in love and be so nonchalant about it?
While I still talk...
I still talk about you, I offer words to carry you away, I try my best to explain that it was all true
Every word I said was true
Difference is, you said you loved me, you said you loved me then stopped loving me
While I don't think I'll ever stop loving you
I can't unlove you, bury your memories in the ground and act like you're under
You belong with the clouds
High, just like everything you made me feel
Difference is, you couldn't even say goodbye
While here I am...
Taking it all off my chest yet somehow you'll still remain
Like ink on skin, you're indented within and forever you'll be part of me
But you won't have all of me...

This is me, setting you free


  1. ❤️
    Difference is no matter how you talk about it to set "you" free, "you" still lives in early mornings and late nights.

    1. Difference is, no matter how old I grow, I'll still never get over him❤️🫂


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