Part 3 : Pillow talks

I remember coming to you undone...
All walls down with my heart ripping open
No ego - just my truth, the inner child in me pouring to the ground and showing
I just couldn't...
Keep any of it inside anymore 
I remember falling down -
Here I am as a man ... Will you take me as I am?
He said he's a handful...
That he's not easy to handle and ends up causing trouble
I told him that's why I have two hands,
One to hold him - And another to hold everything else he comes with
He asked, "won't that be heavy for you to carry?"
I could've said, "I'm strong, I've got muscles that you can't break"
But instead I told him the truth, " you're my baby and I'll hold you no matter how heavy you weigh"
What's the fun of being drunk if I can't call to say "I miss you"?
What's the fun of getting high if I can't tell you all the "you and I" dreams?
What's the fun of looking at flowers when I already know that you're prettier than every rose that exists?
What's the fun of having hands if I can hold everything else but I still can't touch you?
What's the fun of the chase if you already decided that you're setting me up to fail?
What's the fun of it all if I can't have your all?
What's the fun of words if I can say ten thousand of them and still not convince you that...I really really love you


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