The human experience

I see you
Trying to hold on to everything you've been taught
Trying to hold on to your dreams
Trying to hold on to dear life
I see you...
Trying to hold on to yourself
I feel it...
I feel the weight of it all coming down on you
You're tired , exhausted- God you're drained!
Your thoughts suck the literal energy out of you
How in the world are you drowning inside your own head?
Your feet are caving in and this is it- you're going down
And this is how your fears manifest
You're only surrounded by darkness
You're all alone and it's cold
You have nowhere to go because you have no home
And it scares you even more that just as you weren't enough for the world- you're still not enough for yourself
And the void
It's like it's always been part of your existence
And you donno what to make of it
So here I am ...saying what's on your mind and both you and I still can't wrap our heads around it
Don't ask...
I also don't know what's going on
But you're not alone in this
This human experience is mutual
We share the feeling of confusion
We're all trying to find sense
Create logic in the madness
And stay sane while at it


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