
I got tired of making people happy
Tired of replying to texts out of courtesy
Tired of laughing at jokes that aren't funny-just so I could make people feel good about themselves
I got tired of saying it's fine,that it's okay...when it really isn't
Tired of understanding others way too much and letting their shit fall back on me
I got tired of being accommodative- running out of time and space to take care of myself
I got tired of using the laughing emoji when I'm actually serious...just so I could easen the tension for you
The same tension you could care less about giving me
I got tired of waiting to be loved back
Being the first one to put their heart on the line because if I lead maybe you'd follow
Then end up being the only one
End up without both a lover and a heart as well
I got tired of being the good guy
When in real life no one's messing with the villain
I'm not saying I'm gonna shit on you
But no...
I just won't take your shit.


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