Love is madness

Do I owe you closure?...
Owe you a reason as to why I'm going to stay away from you?
Tell you I'm letting go as I'm doing it?
Because in my mind I shouldn't...
I shouldn't cry over a pain that I've caused myself
I can't let go of something I never really had in the first place
I can't say words admitting that my feelings got hurt...
That you hurt me
Because I've said enough words
I've said a lot of words
But they're just words
They were just words you didn't understand
Because I've really said it all
And there's nothing more to say
I'm closing the door because you're the one who left first
You're the one who walked out on me
I look like the past you run away from I guess...
The past you leave behind
Put you on pedestals and had you step on me
All this while I'm kissing your feet
Like how could you?
Don't you know?
Or is it that you're just inconsiderate and really don't care about my feelings?
But then again...
Do you even know how I'm feeling?
I'm upset
I feel betrayed - like my emotions have been played
Just the thought of someone else having access to you and touching on your skin deeply enrages me
That you shared another bed with someone ...
Someone who isn't me
And yes - I know
I know I know I know
That it's your body, that you can do and be with who you like
That it's in your right to be sexually liberate
To chase after your sexual fantasies
And to satisfy your sexual desires
But no...
It just doesn't sit well with me
It's not good for the wellbeing of my soul
It's a poison to all the love I have for you in my heart
And in as much as I'm scared of losing you
Scared of having lost all this time and energy building a life with you
I'm absolutely terrified - of losing myself while at it
Give you all of me and have nothing left for myself
But you see the thing is I like it like that
I want it like that
A reckless love
I don't want to love you wisely - practise caution on the limits of my heart
Because I want all of you
And if I end up losing myself in you
It's a price I'm more than willing to pay


  1. I think that is love, that is how it should be, not much thought to it,no restrictions, no caution. But who knows this


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