Who am I?
A 19 year old boy to be brief
Black, 5'8, muscular looking to be specific
Who am I?
I am the loudest laugh in the room
That bad laugh that just never ends- I'm the laugh that's funnier than the joke
I'm the heart
I am the source of the bloodline
Just always pumping life into souls
I am 19 years of my mother's prayers
I'm the love, happiness and success that warrior speaks of
I am a collision of the sun, moon and stars
I'm a shooting star
Just enjoying my time on earth before I get to the next dimension
I am my soul...
A sea of endless emotions constantly riding out tides and waves of happiness, depression, ecstasy and confusion
I am the first bite of good food
I'm the smell of fresh pancakes and the first sip of tea on a cold day
I am abundance
Everything and more that I set my eyes on
I am Blue
I'm the endless sky and the vast ocean
I have no end - I am infinite
I am the days I survived and the trauma I've healed from
Days that drained me and made me question if I will make it through
I'm the voice inside my head
The voice that tells me to keep pushing
The voice that tells me I got this and I'll be alright
I am the motivation I give and get from my friends
I'm the understanding I give others - the freedom from judgement and condemnation
I am the crown
The gold, silver and diamonds that reflect in my eye when I stare at the mirror
I am the smiles I give to little children
My way of welcoming them into the world and telling them that it isn't so bad over here
I'm a million and one things
At the end of the day I'm mostly just a soul learning life and trying my best to live while I'm at it.


  1. Your writings connect to me in many levels😍👏

  2. You are definitely the crown booboo😍😭. I love this piece, why did you hide it from the world?!

    1. ❤️❤️❤️ I couldn't help but hoard this - it's really one of my favourites


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