My head is a very dark place

Truth is, I sleep with the lights on because I'm scared of the dark
I'm scared of being alone
Scared of being by myself...
Scared that I'll get overwhelmed by the darkness
And I can never fight it all off
Never evade the tears that the nights have to offer
Never silence the voices in my head - keep myself sane
Never keep my head above this massive sea of sadness
The waves of doubt are big, strong and relentless - I'm not sure I'm gonna make it 
I always find myself sinking
Drowning but can't ask for help
But then again,
There's no one to help...
Truth is, there's a monster who sleeps with me in my bed
He whispers to me every night as I'm sleeping
Tells me how he's never gonna go away
That I'm his and he'll always be mine
And he wraps his arms around me 
The tighter I curl - the colder I get 
But he's not that bad...
He convinced me a long time ago that I'm worse than him
He makes sure I remember -  all the times I fucked up
All the times I failed
All the times I actually was stupid 
Why am I stupid?
And I know I know I know ...
Trust me - I know
That's it's all in my head 
That it isn't true
That none of this is real
But the truth is...
I can't get it out of my head
Can't get myself to believe that any of this is false
None of this ever feels fake 


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