from a child's perspective

It's stained ...
My memories are stained 
Waking up to a mother screaming for help in the middle of the night
Watching her get beat by a man who calls me son
A man who I could never get myself to call father 
Because are you...Even man?
When you invade a household and bring chaos to the table?
When you sell a persona that you can no longer keep up after one drink?
When you dare make a child feel unsafe under the only roof they know...
I remember being entranced by death
The silence of it
Maybe I'd finally be able to get some quiet when I'm six feet under
Quiet that was a foreign concept in that house
It was loud...
The noise was always loud
Why are your voices so loud?
Too loud to hear me asking you to stop...
They're the ones who taught me hate 
Sadly in as much as I hated the perpetrator
Hated his demeanor, his presence and his mannerisms
Despicable in all possible capacities
I ended up despising the victim
Because this is all your fault!
You did this
You let him in 
You brought a man to fuck both you and your child up
And I hold that against you - not him
You failed me
You failed to protect me 
Because a son needs a male figure to show him exactly what insecurity is
A man to show him how to be reckless and disrespect women
A man who'll deprive him of his mother
Crazy how they fuck you up when young
Because when you grow up you realise that you have to take responsibility for shit that isn't yours


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