Tales of my soul

Take me home...
Take me back to Africa
To the land of the rich culture
The land of the rising sun
To the birthplace of my ancestors
Take me to the land of the people...
My people
The people with rich and gorgeous melanated skin
The diligent and prosperous farmers
The well knitted communities...
Adorn me with beads, red ochre and calf skin
Cover me with the African attire
The clothing of great Kings and kinsmen who were so resilient that their stories live on
Take me to the rivers of my motherland
Free rivers, deep rivers, clean rivers
Allow me to see the beauty of the African woman there
Drawing water,
Her perfected pot-balancing skills on her head
Her grace in her movements
Her beauty that radiates without her even trying
The strong woman - the matriarch
The queen who needs no crown to rule the land
Take me to the open fields of Africa
Where the rich and full herds of cattle graze upon
Lands fertile with rich green grass
Covered in vegetation - fruit trees, where ripe mangos and avocados freely exist
I want to see the African man in his element
Looking out through the vast lands with a tall stick resting on his shoulders and arms
Doing what he does best...
Tall figures with well defined muscles out there working hard with smiles on their faces
Take me back to the African way of life
Teach me the rich traditions that were passed down from generation to generation
Let's share the stories of our forefathers
Stories told to both children and grown men while sat under the shade of the mugumo tree
Stories of how we are one
Stories of how we all came from one place - one house
Stories that foster our togetherness
Stories that raise advocacy for African brotherhood
Stories that unite and not divide
I want to live in Africa,
And I want to thrive in Africa
Sit and grow in the counsel of wise elderly men and women
Elders who guide and are after the welfare of the generations that come after them
In the land of the rising sun,
In the land of acres of green farmlands,
In the land of my ancestors - the land of my heritage
In Africa...
Take me to Africa.


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