letters to my lover part 3

One day...
One day I'll hold a man's hand and walk with him out in the streets
One day I'll take a man back home
Introduce him to my mom and tell her that this is the one
One day I won't be scared
I won't be ashamed to confess my undying love to that man
And I will stand firm in that man's love,
Stand right there beside that man's arms
And have that man's back like I know he has mine
One day I'll take that man to church
I'll take his hand in marriage and walk down the aisle with him
I will stand on the altar
Make an oath before man and God
And take that man as my partner
Promise to love, respect and cherish him
In sickness and in health, in riches and in poverty
To take care of him, love him and fight for the union of our marriage all the days of my life till death do us part
One day I'll have children
Children who will have me and another man to call father
And I will take care of my family
I will keep my house clean and make my husband dinner
I'll help our kids with their homework
One day I'll have it all
Self contentment, a beautiful home, a gorgeous husband, healthy children and a happy life
One beautiful day...


  1. Wow this is beautiful, and one day it will come to pass

  2. This series is literally just pure, innocent love. Can't wait for this to manifest into reality 🤍🤍


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