They ...
Society ...
Taught me a lot of things...
They taught me that strength looks like muscles,
Strength looks like big biceps,
Strength carries heavy dumbbells on each arm and lifts weights,
And that strength belongs to men,
Also apparently strength only looks good on men
Because they said that a woman with big biceps isn't attractive...
That a woman's body isn't meant to look like that,
That a woman's body is meant to be with big breasts and wide hips,
Let's not forget the big butt too...
That a woman's body should be hourglass-like,,
But a man's body is always acceptable the way it is,
That a man's body naturally has wide shoulders and that's enough,
That a man in his late 30s will grow a beer gut and that's the way it should be ...
That's apparently the natural order of things
But no...
The woman needs to be in shape at every age,
Lest she's deemed unattractive by the man ,
Lest they say "she's let herself go",
Lest she gives the man in her life a "reason" to go against their marriage,
They taught that men work out to be strong,
To be healthy and be fit,
But no...
That a woman works out to be sexy,
So she can be deemed physically appealing to the man,
So she can have "value"
Value that's measured by the number of heads she's able to turn when she walks in the streets
Measured by the number of suitors that court her
Measured by how sexually exclusive she is 
And the lower her body count is, the more of value she is
They recited the line "man is the head" over and over 
I don't think that's false...
Just not the head that's carried by the neck,
More like the other one
What they didn't tell me ...
Is that the woman is powerful
Woman is great...
Of strong intellect,
Intellect that surpasses brute strength,
Woman intimidates man...
And man deals with that through suppressing the woman ,
Brainwashing and acting narcissistic towards the woman,
Making the woman believe that she is nothing without the man
When in fact...
It's the opposite that's true and applies,
That man is nothing without woman
But no...that's too much of a risk for the woman to be aware of,
Woman offers great love,
Woman offers great support,
Woman offers prayers ... Prayers that keep man safe,
Woman offers wisdom - deep perspective that keeps man on track,
Woman offers truth,
Because the essence and power of woman is true
Just as I now know that what I was taught was a lie


  1. Hope you all enjoy this piece - feel free to drop a comment

  2. The society is constantly putting down women for whatever reason and yet every man comes from a woman. They deserve more and more. Loved this piece 🤎

  3. Aaaaaah i love it, i can see this piece beìng performed


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