Roses are shit, violets are even shittier

It's 3 weeks post breakup and here I am...
Still not done crying over you
I'm not done thinking about you
I'm not done telling you that I love you
And I'm not ready...
Not ready to delete your texts
Not ready to delete your pictures
Not ready to delete your number
I'm not ready to let you go like that
I don't want to laugh
I don't want to dance
I don't want to listen to all the reasons why I should let go and move on
I just want you back
How am I the only one who's hurting?
How am I the only one who's not sleeping at night?
How am I the only one who actually gives af?
How are you going to throw your hands up in the air and surrender just like that when I'm the one who's been taking all the shots
When I'm the one who's been at the frontline fighting to protect this shit
How are you gonna let me go away when I've fought so hard just for you to stay?
How is it that I'm so full of love for you but you're so full of shit?
Fuck you!


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