Odd one out

I don't talk like a man,
My hands and fingers move way too much than they're "supposed to"...
I don't walk like a man,
My body moves in a way that's unlike how a man's body is "supposed to"...
I don't behave the way men are "supposed to" behave
I make "too much" facial expressions they say,
I roll my eyes and it's not manlike they say,
I pout my lips when I'm resting my face, I'm not "supposed to" do that - they say
It feels like I'm part of a society that wants me to look ashy
Because why is my skin well moisturised and glowing yet I'm a man?
It feels like I'm not "supposed to" have a good and personal sense of fashion
Heck, "men don't wear pearls"
Because why am I playing around with bold colours and putting together flamboyant outfits yet I'm a man?
It feels like I'm on the offense for being expressive and voicing my thoughts and expressions on things that are personal to me
Because who do I think I am?
Because when I do "I don't know what I'm talking about",
"I don't even live in the real world- I live in a bubble" and...
"Who am I to cry and show weakness, yet I'm a man?"
I'm not "supposed to" be soft,
I'm not "supposed to" know how to twerk,
I'm not "supposed to" be that clean and organised because it's apparently "suspicious"
And I won't get a wife because I can do basic things by myself
I'm not "supposed to" do my own laundry so well, do the housework that well and even know how to cook so well
"Because what role does a woman play in my life if I already know how to iron my own shirt?"
That's their defense
And the children...
"What's a man without children?"
The societal culture drains me
It sucks the life out of my spirit and renders me a hollow body moving around earth
Live your life they say
Do whatever makes you happy they say
Go right ahead and do that and the conversation changes to you're not "supposed to" do that
And I've taken enough of what "I'm not supposed to" be and do
I just want to be the one who defines it all for myself
I just want to be happy with myself
And if the price is my happiness - I don't want it


  1. The society is constantly trying to box everyone. " And if the price is my happiness - I don't want it"


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