I'm proud of you!

Look at you...
Look at you walking into the room with your head held up high
Like you know who you are,
Like you're aware of the much you bring to the table,
Like you're aware of the power you hold...
Look at you...
Taking up spaces and occupying the room
Owning your presence and letting the world know that you are here
And you sure as hell are gonna make every second of it count
Look at you...
Looking good - looking good af actually
Looking like you're exotic, as a matter of fact - extraterrestrial
Because that glow is not from planet Earth
Is it that exercise?
Is it that meditation?
Or is it just the pure, deliberate and conscious decision that you've been making to be better...
Allow me to say, that whatever it is - it's working
Look at you...
Like you actually know what you're talking about,
Like you actually know that you don't sound stupid and are making so much sense,
Like you've been actually reading and growing your knowledge and understanding on what matters to you
Look at you ....
All confident and full of bravado
Like you've been putting the work in,
Like you've been hyping yourself up and supporting yourself hard
Like you've been looking longer in the mirror - long enough to see that beautiful crown
Long enough to see your own beauty through your very own eyes
Look at you ...
Like a flower blooming - opening it's beautiful petals fully
Like a caterpillar - crystallising and coming out as a butterfly
Like an eagle - falling off the cliff to only spread its wings and come back up even higher
That's you...
Stepping into your power


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