Letters to my lover

I don't know if I've met you before...
I don't know if I'll ever get to meet you...
I don't know if I'll get the chance to meet you, have you and call you mine...
To the one I'll call my love,
Here's what I want you to know...
I'd love to run my fingers through your hair
Look you in the eye and hold your face in my palms,
I'd love to close every inch of space in-between us
Hug you...I'd never stop hugging you
I'd love to be your hypeman - wake up every morning to motivate you
Speak life onto your dreams,
Bless the ground that your feet tread and everything that your hands touch
I can't wait to go on dates with you
Better yet I can't wait to make you dinner
Have you taste my food and see if you like it
I'd love to be the guy who gets you off
Take care of you after a long day at work
Massage your neck and feet
I have dreams of sharing a house with you
Wake up to you and come back to you
I'll be your home
I'll be your peace,
Your calm,
Your joy
And I'll always be there...
In your corner - by your side
Give my all with all my pride
Ride through the storms and sail the seas with you
Be the consistent factor whether thick or thin
I'll be there
I'll always be here.


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