
At midnight...
At midnight, I'm falling asleep
But I'm falling asleep in your arms
Leaning into your warm chest
And never have I heard a more beautiful sound
Than the sound of your heart beating
It's pure bliss - complete peace
Being here and listening to you breathe
It's midnight...
I should be asleep but I'm still staring at my phone
I'm staring at your picture
Smiling, crying a little bit - just wondering how I got so lucky
To be able to stay up to midnight just thinking about you
I can't sleep at midnight
Not when you're mad at me and not when I'm upset with you
Not even when the last thing I said was f*** you - I need some space
And how could you?
Go away, when you know how much I need you
What happens at midnight?...
A tale goes that the horses turn back into mice
And the horse carriage is really a pumpkin
Magic comes alive at midnight
The moon had a ball
I heard the night singing and the stars were dancing around the sky
It was all that and more
But what I mostly remember,
Is how your beauty blew me away at midnight
It's at midnight...
When my eyes see a lot more clearer
The air is crisp
And my feet feel a lot more lighter
My heart's dancing all around my chest
Butterflies flying all over my stomach
And all to hear is the sound of chests taking in and out air
What's the time?...
It's midnight 
It's time to be honest
The time to be open and vulnerable
Time to say what we really want and desire
Time to acknowledge and pay homage to our dreams 
When we go back to default and let our boundaries down
When we choose faith over knowledge and experience
It's when we make a promise
To live ... 
Like it's midnight 


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