just another

If the last thing I ever say is,
"Don't kill me - I don't want to die"
If my last memory, is that of me, begging for my life...
Bruised, bleeding, crying - staring at death in the eye
Surrounded by big men carrying stones with bloodthirsty eyes
Church women, looking down on me with pure disgust in their eyes - spitting on the sides
If this is the end of the road for me,
If this is the way I die,
Tell the world...
Tell the world his name was Rajab Ochieng Hamisi
He was 20 years old
He was in his fourth year of campus - almost getting his degree
Tell the world he absolutely loved his mother
He adored all his friends and family
Tell the world he was funny
He loved making fun and he had the most horrible laugh a person could possibly have
Tell them how he had a love for words
How he was passionate about expressing himself through them
Tell them he had dreams,
He had big dreams
Dreams of becoming a great author and publishing books
Books that would become New York Time Bestsellers
Books that would put Kenyan literature on the map
Tell them he wanted to be a Nobel Peace prize winner
Please tell them how he loved children
How he loved playing with his neices and nephews
Tell them he was a human being
Flawed, imperfect and insecure about his acne
But still... A human being
Tell them no human being should have to go through what he went through
Tell them to speak about injustice
Even if it's just that... Speech
Tell them to practise and walk in kindness
Tell them that it's okay to disagree
But let everyone find the best way to address their differences
And most importantly
Tell them that I am a star
Tell them they didn't steal nor kill my light
I still shine
And I shine bright
Even now in the afterlife


  1. Rajab Ochieng Hamisi is a STAR whose star is shining bright!! 🤎


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