
The events of the past few days have once again returned me to the mighty pen and paper
My heart is sinking...
And the ink on my pen bleeds
I'm not proud of my manhood anymore
I'm not proud of the pain and turmoil caused by fellow men
I'm brought back to a place where I'm reminded just how granted I take safety for
In this man's world where women are- 
I'm ashamed by the disrespect shown to my friends, sisters and mothers 
Before society validates the reasons why to respect a woman-
Before being someone's mother,wife, sister or even daughter
She is someone - already as she is
My heart can't hurt enough on the pain that is being brought to the table
It doesn't sit well with me, that in this man's world-
I, as a man, will be viewed as a pillar of insecurity and fear by women...
The same women who helped my mother give birth to me
The same women who taught me how to read and write
The same women who have done nothing but add unto my life
And now, as a token of my appreciation-
I say thank you by taking away their peace 
It pains me- more than words could ever express
That manhood is failing- and failing miserably
It scares me- how people are not afraid to hurt and cause harm to each other
It scares me- how a person can scream and shout for help but no one is coming to their rescue
It scares me- that I'm going to leave the world a worse place than I found it
It scares me- that in as much as I cry and write about the injustice done to women,
all they are is tears and words...
What ever happened to humanity?
Brain development and IQ is at a high,
Advancements in Science and Technology at its peak,
Education is widespread and illiteracy is soon to be an issue of the past
But apparently morality and respect for civilised human interaction is too insufficient
I don't want to be part of a future in a world where women still have to fight-
fight just to be respected
A world where men are comfortable violating women
A world where women can't catch a break...
I celebrate women- those in my life and generally all women
I respect your individual- before the titles come into play, because your person is a sufficient human already
I stand with all women- let justice prevail!



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