
Give me my flowers while I'm still alive
Let me smell the scent of white roses while I still can Please... I beg of you
Don't tell my lifeless body how much you cared for me
Come tell me now instead
Tell me how bright my smile is - how it warms up the room
Speak to me about my character -  tell me what sets me out from all the other people you've met
I know you have nice things to say about me
Just don't wait until I'm dead
I want to hear about myself too
Tell me about the day we first met 
And tell me why you'll never forget it
Tell me how you couldn't stand me at first but I made my way to be among your list of favourite people
Since I've let you in
Tell me what you know I stand for - Is it justice? Is it love? Is it body positivity? 
Paint the picture you see of me through your own lens
And tell me how you interpret me
I want to see just how well you know me
Why don't we take a trip down memory lane? 
Tell me, whats that one memory of me that will forever stick with you
Remind me of those little details that maybe even I forgot
Help me realise and appreciate just how far we've come
I know God will always love me more
But I really don't mind being told "I love you" everyday
I'm just saying... 
Don't ever let me question where your affection stands
And please, I beg of you
Allow me to do the same to you
This love is mutual. 


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