Its a question that keeps running through my mind 
How and when did we get here? 
What ever happened to us
We used to be kids and now we're not
We used to be provided for
 Now we have to fend for ourselves
We used to tell someone what we want and they would get it for us
Now we have to work for it ourselves
What ever happened to us
Fridays used to be movie night 
When we would spend the night laid back on the couch, enjoying each others company till late night
All we do now is go to clubs
Drinking and partying the nights away
I remember the days we used to hang out
Back then we used to sit and story tell in the parking lot
Waiting for our parents car to drive by so we could run back home and call it a day
But today everyone is hiding behind walls
Smoking our youth away
Yet we used to be the same people who used to preach
It would be a point well argued to say we grew up and we should let the past to pass
Now we don't have to go to church every Sunday unless we want to
Everyone's moving out of their parents house and its now pretty clear its a free world
You can do whatever you want to
Life is slowly taking it toll, guiding us all to the course we each have to individually take
No one's knocking on my door any more, asking my mom if I'm home so I can come out to play
No... Everyone's busy trying to be famous on IG
Everyone's trying to get their hands on that latest drip just to floss it out
 When did we get ourselves in the money hunt? 
When did life solely revolve around securing the bag? 
I wish we could back to a time when we knew what we had was enough
But then... 
We grew up
And I'm no longer my mom's baby
I'm a grown man and I want to father my own child
I can't help but ask... 
How did we get here? 



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