Do you ever feel like your too much 
Even for yourself
Do you ever feel like your the only one
Who's not ready to lose some people in your life
The same people who you wonder if you ever cross their minds
Do you ever feel like you care way too much
For people who act like you don't exist
For some strange reason your always the first one to text that "hey" 
Yet your text was the one before that
And even though you never got a reply you looked forward
Even anticipated and imagined on how the response would sound like
And you've almost accustomed yourself to the disappointment people give you
You've taught yourself a major lesson in overlooking
I know how it feels
To always look at someone's statuses on WhatsApp everyday
With a hope that they'll notice your view and check up on you
I know how it feels
To like someone's picture on Instagram and Facebook
Just to make them remember "You know what, I still exist" 
I know how it feels 
To always be there for the people you love when they need you
And to have nobody by your side when your breaking apart
I know how it feels 
To love and care with all your heart
Knowing that there's a good chance you'll never never get it back
But you know what, 
Its okay
It may not be right but trust me
You'll be fine
At the end of the day when you're a good person
You don't lose people, they lose you. 



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