He's the one who first said the four letter word ...
He called me "babe"
He's the one who called me babe first,
And I know I know I know ...
I know it shouldn't be true because he "said it mid-sex"
But what if it's true?...
What if he just never lies?🥺
What if I met an honest man?
A clean man?
What if I literally just met the perfect man???
His teeth are perfect
His eyes see my soul - he knows me
He knows the truth
He knows my truth...
God what if you forbid this sin...
That I shall not fall in love with him!
God what if I sin and fall in love with him!
God what if I make out with him and have kids with him!!!
God all I'm asking for is him...
I just want him
Because I'm feeling punished...
How he doesn't respond to my texts and calls...
How he doesn't pay attention to my needs...
How I'm here covering his sins...
On my knees praying that he redeems
I'm a mess and he's a trash bag
He clears me out
He takes away the weight of my sins and puts it on his shoulders
Looks me in the eyes as he sliding inside my layers
Pulling me into his aura
His essence of what makes him man
And what makes me fall in love
And I'm screwed
He's nutting- and I'm busting
And I'm in heaven...
He's my dose of good
He's the reward
He's the gift I got to choose😊
I'm keeping this one around for a while ☺️☺️☺️


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