
I am African - YES
My skin is black
My hair is curled
My front teeth are gaped
My ass is fat

I am African - YES
My waist's got charms
My legs never end
My back can dangerously bend
My features weren't just given - they were MADE!

I am African - YES
My tongue holds prowess
My ancestors spoke the language of the spirits
My lineage is deeply cultured
My tribe is UBUNTU

I am African - YES
My presence is heavy - it's not identifiable it's unmistakable
My feet are always in motion
My soul is on earth to not just prosper - I'm here to CONQUER
My bloodline is of warriors

I am African - YES
My personality isn't provocative - I'm intimidating
My identity is "threat"
My purpose is to challenge the status quo - question people who aren't asking questions
My enemy is complacency

I am African - YES
My parents instilled more than discipline in me - they passed down their faith
My relationship with God wasn't just acquired - it was nurtured
My faith isn't extreme - it's deep
My God is good

I am African - YES
My potential isn't great... My power is pure greatness
My strength isn't in the muscles that show - it's the intellect my mind holds
My energy doesn't spare - I'm intense
My presence might be temporal but my existence will be felt



  1. Dzaaaaaaaaaaaam . Now this is content , this is something I would want to read over and over. My power is pure greatness .


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