Words I wanted to hear...
That the world's gonna treat me like the good person I am,
Push me gently with unfathomable grace
That my hands are gonna remain warm
Even when no one's holding them...
Even when no one's holding me
Because you preached a difference in being alone and being lonely
But now I can't help but ask...
What's the difference?
That a man won't be loved by the character of his heart
But instead judged on the basis of his sex
Condemned because they can't afford to groom themselves
Because the truth is...
Goodness is equated to looking good
Diamonds, silver and gold are meant to be shiny
Bows have to be red in colour - the bigger it is the prettier it is
And yes - you can leave a small note behind
But drop it inside a huge bouquet of red roses for me to see just how thoughtful you are
Are you worthy?
Not just of a woman - but also the respect of a woman
Because trust me...
There's a difference
When man's the head 
But it's the woman who's the brains
When man's in control
But it's really the woman calling the shots 
Because truth is
Men actually give better head than women 


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