
Take me back...
Take me back to the days when I wasn't afraid of saying "I love you"
Days I couldn't even understand what looking stupid looked like
Back when my heart was still young
Take me back...
Back to the time I was that annoying little kid who only knew how to live his life
Before the world told me to quiet down
Fold my wings and learn how to walk on my own two feet
Back when my heart was still free
Take me back...
When mom was still everything
When her skirt was my greatest shield - I'd hide behind it and know that I'm covered
That I'm safe
Back when all I needed was her hand to hold mine and all was well
Back when my heart was still pure
Take me back...
Before I learnt how to build walls
Before I learnt how to grow a garden of insecurities inside myself
Back before they told me who I was before I knew myself
Back when my heart still belonged to me ...

I'm not sure though
Not sure I'll belong back there anymore
My character's a lot louder now
My truth is way more pronounced - just how I like it
I know the man in the mirror
He's going to be okay.


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