The trilogy : Act II

Does the search for identity ever end...
Do we ever find a conclusive answer to the question...
" Who are you? "
What's the answer that comes after introducing yourself and saying your name...
Who's the true " I am"
Without the vanities we attach ourselves to and identify with
And does identity have to be constant? Consistent? Never changing? 
Like a name that I'm stuck with for life - even after death moreso 
Why does it feel like I can't be everything... I can only be one thing
Because that's the rule ... do or be too much and you're just "lost"
Like I'm fashioned to fall in line 
Conditioned to follow the conditions set by the ones who came before me 
Follow suit to a culture that I do not want to identify with...
As a man - do I have to identify with football?
Is beer the only drink allowed at the boys club?
I found myself attached to my hair
Attached to the image of myself with it
Identified myself with it
I shaved it off and not only did I look unrecognisable - but also felt unidentifiable to myself
Not being able to run my fingers through a thick layer of hair
Not feeling water soak in my hair when I'm taking a shower
Not spending 10 more minutes getting ready because I have to moisturise and comb my hair
Because I'm not the same without my hair...
I'm not myself without it...
Or am I?
I found myself attached to my ring
Never taken it off for over a year now
I found myself accustomed to the tapping of plates whenever I held one in my hands because of it
And now...
It's no more - my pinky is undressed, uncovered, bare
All that's left is the indentation of my ring on it 
A reminder that I used to be a house, a home - and I'm no longer one
I don't feel the same way 
Am I still the same?
I found myself attached to my bracelets
They were my ornaments - my defence, my identity of style 
It felt like a security breach when I cut them off
To actually feel my skin and wrists without the presence of a foreign object on it
I feel naked 
Stripped of my covers 
But then again... isn't this just a factory reset?
That I'm not defined by any of this...
Hence I'm back on this journey, this road that never ends - where I'm asking myself...
"Who are you?"


  1. What a coincidence bc I've also been constantly asking myself - who am I? Who are you beyond your first name?
    Can't wait for moreeešŸ¤Ž


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