Platonic love

Sorry I stopped checking up on you...
Sorry I stopped calling,
Sorry I stopped texting,
Sorry I stopped actually trying to be part of your life,
Sorry I stopped being the guy you met, the guy you knew - the guy you thought I could and would be...
It's just that I've been caught up with my own shit
I've been dealing with my own emotions and trying to get a hold of my thoughts
I couldn't get myself to ask you "are you okay?"...
When I haven't been okay myself
I couldn't be your strong shoulder to lean on ...
When I've been crying myself to sleep at night
Sorry I couldn't be a friend...
I mean how could I after all?
When I haven't been my own friend for a very long time
That's why I started checking in with myself
I took some time out - some time away from you
Just so I could understand myself better
So I wouldn't come to you broken
So you wouldn't see that your "strong" friend isn't so strong after all
So you wouldn't have an extra burden to carry ...
I never want to make your life heavy
And I'd never want to put that weight on you
So I thought it'd be best if I keep my energy away
Not let my demons anywhere near your beautiful light
And for the distance I've created between us - I'm sorry
For the neglected bonding - I'm sorry
For everything else that words cannot cover - I am sorry
I just really really really want my friend back


  1. Sigh, this is so relatable to the T🥺🤍. Hoping my friends know that regardless of us dealing with our shit, we'll always be there for each other xx.


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