Letters to my lover part 4

Kiss me after having sex with me
Hold my hand and curl your fingers inside mine
Pull my body closer to yours and let my head rest on your chest
And we don't have to talk,
You don't have to say anything...
All I want is to exist - right here next to you
Hear you breathe,
Hear your heart beat,
It's all I need
I want you to play with my hair
Take a strand and roll it around your finger
And afterwards lean in and kiss me on my forehead
I want you to see me the same way I see you
I want to be yours just as much as I want you to be mine
See parts of you that no one else has
Have access to you like no one else does
Be your person...
I want to be your one and only person
So hold me...
Hold me like I'm the only person who matters in this world
Hold me like you want to keep me - like you want to make every moment last a little bit more longer
Hold me like you're not afraid...
Afraid that I won't hold you back the same way you do
You see the thing is...I want the part that comes after the climax
I want the after sex intimacy
I want to experience the sense of trust,
Experience vulnerability,
I want to feel the intention of two human beings choosing each other
Finding a home in each others arms
Two human beings choosing to give each other love...
And only love


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